Gina Carano Targeted at Lucasfilm | New Claims About Her Firing EMERGE!

Gina Carano’s firing has been a watershed event that has changed everything and may have been the final disappointment that will kill Star Wars off, but a new source has come forward claiming new details around her firing. Here’s what I was told. #ginacarano #cancelculture #CancelDisneyPlus Please bear in mind that this information comes to me from a new source, a source I haven’t worked with before, so take this one with an EXTRA grain of salt, as it could be disinformation, a hoax, or an attempt to put us off of the truth for some reason.  Once you get into waters as controversial as these, you’re going to get tips from people with their own agendas, some of which may be unfathomable from the outside, so I want to issue this particular video with this disclaimer.  (Of course, if it is a hoax, it will backfire, since these idiots claim I make this stuff up, and it would reveal that nope, I am going off of reported info from other sources, as I’ve said all along!)  At any rate, take this one with an extra gr
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