Symphony of Realities Podcast: Episode 13 - Penny Bradley - The German Secret Space Program on Mars

Ready to expand your consciousness beyond our holographic Earth realm? Could Mars be another holographic dream world like Earth? Could various Secret Space Programs (SSP’s) exist? Part 1 - In this episode, Penny Bradley tells her story about being kidnapped at age 4 by the United States Military, including time at Camp Hero on Montauk Point. At age 9 she was turned over to the Germans on Mars and at age 34 became a fighter pilot in the “Nacht Waffen“ (Night Weapons) German space military, working with the Draco reptilian race. You can jump to some interesting points of the conversation below: Penny explains how her memories were activated: 4:32 We talk about timelines and “Man in the High Castle“ concepts: 24:08 Penny explains the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party: 30:01 Germans leave for Antarctica: 34:32 Germans have 1,000 different utopian worlds: 41:10 The war on Mars: 42:22 Hunting Velociraptors: 50:56 Penny explains the politics in the ga
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