How to drop a cliff with snowboarder Xavier de le Rue

How to drop a cliff with snowboarder Xavier de le Rue So, how to drop a cliff? Here are the tips and tricks that have helped me and will hopefully be useful to you whether you are just learning how to jump off rocks, or going for the big cliffs. Dropping a cliff is not just about letting yourself fall from the sky. It took me years to understand that you need speed in order to get a good transition enabling you to stomp your landing. Lots of other small tips will help you to drop cliffs with confidence. So get out there and have fun, start small, jump lots and stay safe. Editing: Tim Burgess Filming: Predominantly Timeline Missions. Motion Graphics: FX Pergola Thanks to The North Face, Fatmap, Smith and Deeluxe for bringing this episode to life. How to drop a cliff with snowboarder Xavier de le Rue
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