TOGO: 24 HOURS in one of the smallest countries of Africa // EPS 17

One country, 24 hours, no time to loose: How we crossed Togo within 24 hours and tried to see as much as possible of one of the smallest countries of africa. It was hot, it was sweaty and it took us a long while until we were issued our visa on arrivals for Togo. But once in the country we immediatlly fell in love with the easy atmosphere. Togo might be one of the smalles countries of Africa - and even though we only stayed 24 hours we were able to ride some interesting roads: From sandy small tracks to brand new highways along Kapok (cotton) trees and to the border of Benin. Join our 24h journey through Togo! //NOTE: videos were recorded before I had a Youtube Channel - initially used for my Instagram stories. That’s the reason for the close ups of my face or bad quality of videos - they were recorded vertically. I still decided to use them - that’s the authentic footage I have and I can’t change that anymore. Remember: I just started out with filming and cutting - its a le
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