how to save from this covid-19 second wave? part 2(lock down loan will help the public

Created by InShot: have to move out from thissituation, people are totally negative in their future, they have to restart everything in their live, people and center and state governments must come togather to make this situarion. financial set back is huge it will take years to get back in to old sitiarion. if there a will then there’s a way, we have to come foraward and rhis is not rime to find ourselves but to keep good relationship love, and co opertion among the public. we have bring everyone to joing together the senior citizens, womwen, and children and youth to build our country. great set back has always given great advancement for nations. our country is great and our 👪 are great we will save this situarion. see posirive in all move forward.
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