HARD XXXTENTACION X RONNY J TYPE BEAT - SCYTHE BY X MEGS TEACHER!! DM me IMPORTANT: This shinobi beat is free for non-profit use only. For profit use you have to purchase a lease. You always have to credit 1. What does the [FREE] prefix mean? ~ It means that no one has bought the Exclusive rights and the beat is available for purchase. 2. What does the [SOLD] prefix mean? ~ It means that the Exclusive rights have been sold and the beat has been removed from sale. 3. Do I have to pay if I want to upload my song to digital platforms(Apple Music, Spotify, etc.) with your beat? ~ Yes. You should buy at least a Beginner lease to upload your song to digital platforms and have profit from it. 4. What’s the difference between all types of leases? ~ Amount of available distribution copies, audio streams and monetized video streams. Broadcasting rights and for profit performance(concert) permission. Check out my beat store for more informa
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