That Devil Lionel! (1932)

“Lionel is a gentleman who finds delight (and let it be whispered, beaucoup de francs) in risking his neck 80 feet up in the air...“ L/S of a large building - a stadium of some sort perhaps. A man is seen shinning up a pole. He gets to the top of the pole, secures his feet then starts pole swinging. He puts his arms in the air as he swings around. “To Lionel, the crowd is having a great time...“ Point of view shot from the top of the pole, the camera is swung around. “Between ourselves however, Lionel is a well-balanced fellow...“ Lionel does a handstand on the top of the pole. He swings his legs back and forth then makes his way down the pole again. “He never stands on ceremony...“ M/S of Lionel balancing on the back of a chair which itself is balanced on a platform half way up the pole. Lionel is wearing a devil’s outfit with little horns - hence the title. He balances on the chair - it looks precarious. L/S of Lionel climbing down the pole. Crowds of spectators look up at him. “But,
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