Warhammer painting tutorial, but Duncan Rhodes can’t stop applying two thin coats

In this tutorial, Duncan Rhodes will be showing you how to paint two thin coats. Not his new paint range, I mean literally painting two thin coats. You should be a professional Black Templars painter by the end of this video. Forget every other space marine chapter - Ultramarines, Salamanders, Blood Angels - You’re painting Black Templars now, because this tutorial is just that good. Miniature painting has never been so quick and easy. With this one simple painting technique, your miniature painting skills will increase by 69%, such is the power of Duncan Rhodes. No hate Duncan Rhodes, you...r painting tutorials are always the best and I enjoy watching them all. This video is simply made in parody for the memes, and I hope we can all enjoy it for what it is. This video was also inspired by Midwinter Mini’s 100 coats of paint video. Definitely watch that one for more great miniature painting inspiration. Painting miniatures for your warhammer & d&d games.
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