Fingerless Gloves - Eyelet Mock Cable Ribbing Stitch

Instructions for the fingerless gloves. Size 7 US needles. Worsted yarn (#4) Ribbing: Row 1.- *p2, k3*...end with p1 Row 2.- k1 *p3, k2* end with k2 Repeat 6 times. 12 rows in total Stitch: Eyelet Mock Cable Ribbing: Row 1.-*p2, Pass one as if to knit, knit 2, pass the one you passed over these 2 knits* end with p 1. Row 2.- k 1 *purl 1, yarn over needle, purl 1, knit 2* end with k2. Row 3.- *p2, k3* end with p1. Row 4.- k1 *p3,k2* end with k2 Repeat these 4 rows 11 times, Sew from bot
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