100S OF 1,000S OF UKRAINIANS DEAD? NAH, LET’S HEAR ABOUT ZELENSKAYA’S MENTAL HEALTH: Mad Vlad’s wife takes time out from buying

?100S OF 1,000S OF UKRAINIANS DEAD? NAH, LET’S HEAR ABOUT ZELENSKAYA’S MENTAL HEALTH: Mad Vlad’s wife takes time out from buying million-dollar earrings to complain about how hard life is for her and her child-murdering husband. World’s most successful gold digger enjoys attention of bootlicking Western presstitutes as she moans about “psychological burnout“ (00:34) while her husband sends meat waves of cannon fodder to die for his Washington overlords... Must be tough having to find something to spend BILLIONS of dollars of Western taxpayer cash on - how about another yacht Zelenskaya? Source: Lord Of War
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