The LUCAS Chest Compression System is designed to deliver uninterrupted compressions at a consistent rate and depth to facilitate ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation). It delivers automated compressions from first response in the field to ambulance transport and throughout the hospital. LUCAS facilitates consistent blood flow from the moment it is turned on, helping to improve a patient’s chance for a successful outcome. With LUCAS, defibrillation can occur during ongoing compressions that can prime the heart for a successful shock. Also continuous compressions help maintain coronary perfusion pressure needed to facilitate ROSC.
· Effective, consistent and uninterrupted compressions according to current AHA guidelines
· Maintain good blood flow
· Increasing operational effectiveness
· Easy to use and efficient to own
· Keep personnel safe during CPR
You now have the choice between an air driven and battery powered LUCAS device. The original LUCAS 1, i