Planet Michael Gameplay - New Michael Jackson MMO - Thriller World 2011

Leaked information about an MMO about Michael Jackson!!! Nothing is official, but my sources are good. Here are the details: The game is called Planet Michael (not official). Planet Michael would be a MMO virtual world based around the works and vision of Michael Jackson. Planet Michael would bring Michael Jackson’s world to life by using art, ideas, and inspirations from his music and videos. His body of work would be used to create separate pieces of the world that player characters would move through and play with. This video shows what some of this world might look like. Michael Jackson wanted to make the world better through charity work. On Planet Michael, charity and “making the world better“ will be central to the purpose and mythos of gameplay. One idea for gameplay is to show your charitable rank by having your avatar show a recognizable glow. Another option being considered is to be able to donate the money you make to charities. Planet Michael, will offer a variety of characters to
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