Neville Goddard - Moses, Elijah And Jesus

Moses, Elijah and Jesus. In biblical language, a man’s name reveals his character. The name is an expression of the essential nature of its bearer. As I’ve said in the past, these characters are not persons—they are eternal states through which the immortal soul passes to awaken as God. These are eternal spiritual states. To understand tonight’s subject, let us go back just for a moment. As you know, as I told you, the Bible is God’s plan, something to be understood only through revelation. It’s revealed; it’s true. What seems the most impossible thing in the world will prove itself true in time. The Book of Genesis is the seed plot of the Bible. As we remember, it began with God: “In the beginning God,” and the book ended on the note “in a coffin in Egypt.” The one in the coffin was called Joseph. Joseph is human Imagination. It is of one tissue with divine Imagination, but here it is human Imagination placed into a body. He exacted from his brothers a promise that they will not leave his bod
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