[LYRICS BELOW] So I’ve gotten into Bitcoin recently, and decided to write a song about it! Not meant to offend or annoy anyone - just a bit of fun! Thank you to Meghan Trainor’s “All About That Bass“ for the melodic inspiration, and thank you to my cameraman & editor extraordinaire, Kevin Lepsoe. Enjoy & share!
Some of you lovely people have suggested that I include by BTC Wallet info :)
Xapo Wallet: 17qKFKV3JBQr4yv8Rr2PuhtmEVMKtsYEws
Changetip Wallet: 18csLNB6KeZf1LY38XRMpjYPvcnmFfrPZK
As requested, new bright & shiny reddit: /naomilvdv
Thank you SO much for taking the time to give the song a listen!
Yeah, it’s pretty clear, Bitcoin is risin’ up
Vir-tu-al curr-en-cies
Governments can’t make ‘em stop
Cause it’s got that freedom that all of us love
Peer-to-peer payments, we can’t get enough
It’s Money 2.0; cold storage vaults we trust
Effort-less trans-ac-tions
Are just another plus