Tucker Carlson just exposed how corrupt our electronic voting system is, how they used Covid to encourage voter fraud, how they

Tucker Carlson just exposed how corrupt our electronic voting system is, how they used Covid to encourage voter fraud, how they use ’racism’ to prevent voter ID from being implemented, and says Fauci created Covid. “I’m very concerned about the election... We have problems with the electronic voting machines which are not more efficient, they don’t produce more precise answers than written ballots and they don’t give us the tally quicker. So the question is, why do we have them? The way Americans vote was changed completely using the pretext of Covid. The idea was that Americans were so sick with this killer virus they couldn’t actually make it to the polls. And so they needed to have their ballots anonymously picked up from drop boxes without using Voter ID. Well now Covid is still around, it hasn’t gone anywhere, once Fauci created it, it’s going to be here forever. We aren’t worried about Covid anymore for some reason. But the voting changes remain in place. The point of them was to... Source: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter ?
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