APPLE’ – Apollo Paediatric Pychiatry Liaison & Education is the presence of a Liaison Psychiatrist

The unique aspect of the department of ‘APPLE’ – Apollo Paediatric Pychiatry Liaison & Education is the presence of a Liaison Psychiatrist in the entire treatment process of paediatric patients, who would focus on the various mind-related issues while the body of a child heals. Moreover, it also focusses on many conditions which do not have a physiological or pathological reasoning which could be attributed to mental well-being. Speaking during the inauguration, Ms. Suneeta Reddy, Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals Group said, “Good health and wellbeing are holistic in nature involving the mind and the body. When it comes to treating illnesses, we often focus on the body and underestimate the importance of mental wellbeing in the process of healing. Conventionally, this aspect is left to the family to deal with, which is extremely hard especially when the child is going through an illness. It’s for this reason, Apollo Children’s Hospitals is launching a one-of-its-kind Paediatric Liason Psychiatry De
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