eBooks - SpringerLink Tutorial - Russian

Start exploring over 100,000 eBooks (since 1842) on SpringerLink: Each eBook page on SpringerLink includes various information and functionalities, including downloading the full Book as a PDF, a Search field for the particular book, information about the publication year, title, author and/or editor, information on the print and online ISBN, and the table of contents. The “Look Inside” functionality is a PDF preview and is useful if you don’t have access. The platform provides the first 2 pages for every document, unless the document’s size is less than 2 pages, in which case we do not offer a Look Inside. The “Look Inside” functionality is available at all book content levels. Need more help? Contact us! Interested in a free trial for your institution? Find your regional sales representative here: SpringerLink provides easy access to millions of STM reso
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