Good soldiers follow orders.

SPOILERS FOR THE BAD BATCH 1x01!! SPOILERS FOR JEDI: FALLEN ORDER!! “Then everything changed.“ I wanted to make this video with this song for over a year but I never started t because it seemed so big. Now I am really happy I waited bc that gave me the chance to feature The Bad Batch Order 66 scene. I worked on this for a week and I am very happy with the result. It turned out pretty painful but that was to be expected. Editing the order 66 scenes really hurt my heart, but I made it through and now you get to suffer as well! Originally I had a whole minute about Anakin’s turn to the dark side but I deleted it. I wanted this video to focus on the Clones and the Jedis and not just the manipulation and the fall of one Jedi. I did make a lot of Anakin videos lately so I hope you will forgive me. I did use a lot of TCW animation scenes and not as much live-action as I wanted. But that really reminded me how much the shows fleshed out order 66 and the clones and everything. It just shows that the trilogy rea
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