BEADED CROSS How to make a handmade cross using cubic pondo stitch

This beading tutorial will teach you how to do cubic pondo stitch and make a beautiful beaded cross. Ideas for uses include a bible bookmark, used as a wall decoration, necklace pendant or attached to a keychain. I’m sure you or the recipient of this cross will find the perfect place for it. I think the best part of this cross is the “strength” of its arms, they will not sag or droop which is a problem I found with some other beaded cross patterns I tried in the past. I truly hope you enjoy making and giving these beautiful crosses. ** yes you can make this with size 11 seed beads and 2mm accents ***and you can even uses size 15 seed beads, I just don’t use accents with my size 15s but definitely use fireline CONTACT thelittlebeadingcloset@ Mailing address: The Little Beading Closet PO Box 887 Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Supplies I used in the video Size 15 seed beads Size 8 seed beads 3mm pearls / fire polish / round crystals Size 12 beading needle
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