New York hosts Christmas parade (1945)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit A Christmas parade down Broadway in New York for the first time after WWII and parade filled with movie stars in Hollywood Full Description: USA:New York: Manhattan: EXT USA: California: Hollywood: EXT Christmas. Xmas parade in Sabu the elephant Boy, & Rochester, Jack Benny & Edgar Bergen & Doll. Abbot & Costello. also Red Skelton disguised As Santa Claus also parade in Florida. HOLLYWOOD. Xmas parade, Sabu on elephant followed by Abbot & Costello Rochester & Jack Benny, Edgar Bergan, & RED Skelton disguised as father xmas, SKELTON, Red (Film Star) At Hollywood xmas parade. with other stars. post-war, holiday,pageant, float, peace, peacetime, peace time Background: A Christmas parade down Broadway in New York for the first time after WWII and parade filled with movie stars in Hollywood FILM ID: VLVA1XPEBW0SFTIJA6NT9ZHZ28LQT
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