Совет Министров СССР, ГКЧП:
Государственный Банк СССР:
Группа ВКонтакте НОД СССР:
Телеграмм канал НОД СССР:
Всемирный Суверенный Союз Кооперации Светлая Великая Русь:
No. D/n - 010
Date: 04 August 2023
The State military—political body of the special meeting with Expanded Powers (gkchp of the USSR), expresses its gratitude and Respect to all the great, united, sovereign Soviet people of the great sovereign Country — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and informs
The following:
Criminal, terrorist occupation Kiev regime
Takes steps that are perceived as a crime and an act of Vandalism. On August 1, 2023, the city of Kiev began dismantling the State Emblem of the great sovereign country — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics from the Motherland monument.“ The monumental Sculpture is located on the right bank of the Dnieper River, on the sovereign territory of the Great Sovereign Country — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
It was installed in 1981 on the occasion of the Victory Day over fascism in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Years. The monument is dedicated to the heroism of the Great, united, sovereign Soviet “people, who made a tremendous contribution to the liberation of their homeland — the Soviet Union, including the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic from fascism.
Great Sovereign Country — Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The Republics, its multinational, great, united, sovereign Soviet. The people have liberated the world from anti-human occupiers, invaders, Terrorists, separatists and murderers in the person of neo-fascist Germany and Criminal clans, a terrorist cabal organization, restored and nurtured in the twentieth century by traitors to the human race - the Jesuits.
The State Committee for the State of Emergency of the USSR, as The State military — political body of a special meeting with Expanded powers, as the highest body of state power A great sovereign country — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (based on the decree. Bhc cccp gp cccp dated 04/24/2023), according to The right of the sovereign, on the basis of nori international law, proclaiming The inalienable rights of the entire great, united, sovereign Soviet people, On the sovereign territory of the great country of the sovereign — the Union of Soviet
Socialist republics and throughout the world,
This crime committed by the occupying Kiev regime,
Declare a global terrorist act against a great country
Sovereign — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and its great,
A single, multinational, sovereign Soviet people. All participants
And the accomplices of this crime are declared state
Criminals who will be personally criminally liable for
The laws of wartime, providing for capital punishment.
Ha based on numerous state — crimes,
Committed by criminal, occupation, separatist, terrorist
Private company “Ukrainian People’s Republic — Ukraine“ (hereinafter unr
— ukraine) and all its corporate organizations, illegally
Performing the functions of “state authorities“ on a sovereign
The territories of the great sovereign country — the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics, the corporate entity unr — Ukraine“ and all its
Corporate sub—entities illegally performing - functions
State authorities“, as well as accomplices and instigators,
To deprive of the right of subjectivity, to recognize outside the con and outside the law, and to declare
Occupiers, international terrorists, separatists, extremists,
State and war criminals carrying criminal responsibility,
Public and personal responsibility under the laws of wartime,
Providing for capital punishment.
USSR State Security Committee (kgb cccp), Soviet The Red Army and Navy, all counter—terrorism and Law enforcement state and non-governmental organizations, To all the great, united, multinational, sovereign Soviet To the people, to all subjects of the ha sovereign territory of the great sovereign country — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and in the whole ‘world Space, immediately begin to conduct — global Counter-terrorism ‘special operation to expose and To identify, with subsequent destruction, the enemies of the great, united, Sovereign Soviet people.
When conducting a counter - terrorism special operation , do not To allow the manifestation and even more so the execution of any threats against the Sovereign citizens of the great country of the sovereign — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
In case of detection of any political criminal provocative actions against the sovereign citizens of the great country of the sovereign — the Union, the Soviet Socialist Republics on the entire sovereign territory of the USSR And throughout the world, such actions will be qualified
The Government of the USSR:
State Bank of the USSR:
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