Sonic Mania - Full Original Soundtrack

Full Soundtack of Sonic Mania. 00:00 Opening Movie 01:17 Discovery (Title Screen) 01:33 Comfort Zone (Main Menu - Options) 02:44 Sunshine Cassette (Save - Stage Select) 04:10 Opening (Angel Island Zone) 04:25 Title of the Hard - Boiled Heavies 06:11 Green Hill Zone Act 1 07:53 Green Hill Zone Act 2 10:56 Danger on the Dance Floor (Mini Boss) 12:53 Act Clear 13:00 Chemical Plant Zone Act 1 15:01 Chemical Plant Zone Act 2 17:02 Mean Bean Machine Boss 19:24 Light, Camera, Action (Studiopolis Zone Act 1) 22:38 Prime Time (Studiopolis Zone Act 2) 25:12 Flying Battery Zone Act 1 28:13 Flying Battery Zone Act 2 30:54 Ruby Delusions (Eggman Boss 1) 33:19 Tablbid Jargon (Press Garden Zone Act 1) 35:14 Blosson Haze (Press Garden Zone Act 2) 37:31 Hi-Spec Robo Go! (Hard - Boiled Heavies Boss) 39:25 Starbust Speedway Zone Act 1 42:16 Starbust Speedway Zone Act 2 45:06 Metal Sonic Boss 47:16 Hydrocity Zone Act 1 49:20 Hydrocity Zone Act
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