Can a Nuclear War Be Avoided? — Scott Ritter

Excerpt from a webinar by Diane Sare on January 8, 2023 Watch the full event Thank you Diane for having me. Thank you Colonel Black for speaking, and Helga also. I was struck by the music of Diane’s chorus, Mozart’s Requiem. I’m not quite the classicist that you are, Diane. I come from a more, shall we say, working class musical foundation. But when I conjure up the music that is sufficient to describe the topic at hand, which is nuclear conflict, I always get Johnny Cash’s song, “The Man Comes Around,” and the final verse of that, which is spoken by his voice, which is rattling, because he was literally on his death-bed: “I heard a voice in the midst in of the Four Beasts, and I looked and beheld a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” That’s what we live in, today. This isn’t some sort of future look into hellish Earth. Death is on a pale horse, riding to us,
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