EnglishThruTVseries TheOC S01E03 -07 - Rabbit’s foot - nos vamos
#EnglishThruTVseries #TheOC #S01E03VivaLasVegas #rabbitsFoot #nosVamos
Cut to Ryan standing by the bar. Seth walks up and slams his money down.
Seth: Two Mountain Dews, my good man. Thank you, Ryan. Greatest night ever. It’s like one of those nights when the stars and the cosmos and the moons align, and it’s just like, wow. Thank you. How’s your mom doing?
Ryan: High rolling. She was made for this place.
Seth: Yeah? Then maybe this could work.
Ryan: Yeah? Maybe.
Summer: Rabbit’s foot. Vamos nos.
Seth: By the end of the night, she might know my first name. Duty calls.
Summer scoffs and walks away, Seth walking after her.