Soccer Player | Job & Occupation Songs for Kids | Job and Career Songs for Kindergarten | JunyTony

#forKids #StayHome #WithMe Let’s learn about jobs with ‘Juny Tony Job Songs’. Everyone has different dreams, and there are many different jobs in the world. Let’s find out what they are with Juny and Tony. They will help your dreams come true! Saying the magic phrase, “Choopy-choopy-choopy-choo !” Juny and Tony can be whatever they want to be! Call them whenever and wherever you need help! Juny and Tony will come for you right away! Lyrics Juny! Tony! Change into a soccer player! Choopy-choopy-choopy-choo Time to change! Choopy-choopy-choopy-choo Juny, Tony, into soccer pla...yers! “Good afternoon! I will be reporting on the soccer match between Team Blue and Team Yellow!” Pass, pass, dribble! Swift attack! Tackle, tackle, tackle! Strong defense! Swish, swish, swish! Wonderful shots! Cheers, cheers, cheers for us fill the stadium. “We are soccer players!” Zoom, zoom, move like the wind. Zoom, zoom, move like the wind. Thump, thump, beating heart Thump, thump, beating heart I’m
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