Israeli hostages rescued: Inside the liberation after 48-day Hamas captivity

Hamas hostages are finally being FREED following 48 days of captivity in Gaza after being kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and will soon be reunited with their families. Nick Parker, The Sun’s Chief foreign correspondent, provides further detail on the release of the hostages. The first group of 13 women and children have now safely crossed into Egypt after being escorted out of Gaza by the Red Cross, said Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. The Red Cross convoy at the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt is believed to have included at least four vehicles with up to six people in each. A moving picture from the scene showed a woman with white hair waving at the hundreds who had come to meet the hostages at the crossing point, while another showed a woman staring blankly ahead. People danced and sang in the streets of Israel in celebration of their release. Continue reading... T
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