vaginal birth-natural childbirth

Dandelion medical animation All rights reserved. Every pregnancy is unique, and not all mothers will experience the same symptoms or progress in the same way. During the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby will continue to gain weight and accumulate more body fat. As the baby grows larger, the uterus expands, and the mother may experience increased discomfort, especially in the lower back, pelvis, and abdomen. In preparation for birth, The baby may experience position changes, such as shifting from side to side or rotating within the womb. Most babies settle into a head-down position in the mother’s pelvis, with their head closer to the birth canal. This relieves pressure on the diaphragm and makes breathing easier for the mother. It may also increase pressure on the bladder, leading to more frequent urination. This position, known as “cephalic presentation,“ is considered ideal for vaginal delivery. However, some babies may remain in a breech or feet-first position. Throughout the
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