INSTANT APPS POP on INFERNO (NiP A waterfall with dropped flashes) | CS afap

Infernos apartments pops are often easy to counter since the haystack smoke anounces the Ts early. Taking map control (and maybe throwing in a little B fake) before using the instant haystack smoke from second mid allows you to rush in within seconds. ► *Join our new Discord* 🎮 ► *Jumpthrow - Bind* alias “ jumpthrow“ “ jump; -attack; -attack2“ alias “-jumpthrow“ “-jump“ bind “space“ “ jumpthrow“ ► *Timestamps* 🕰 0:00 - Intro ► *MAP CONTROL* 0:17 - Boiler molotov 0:21 - Anti-mid agression flash 0:26 - Arch smoke from second mid 0:31 - A short molotov from second mid 0:43 - Mid flashes 0:58 - Banana control and B fake preview ► *A APARTMENTS POP* 1:19 - Instant haystack smoke 1:28 - A balcony flash 1:35 - Moto smoke ► *A waterfall by Ninjas in Pyjamas* 1:49 - NiP execute 2:00 - Dr
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