[Full Movie] 絕地狙殺 The Sniper | 戰爭動作電影 War Action film HD
Synopsis: The war action movie “The Sniper 絕地狙殺“ is about a story in the autumn of 1942, a secret convoy was ambushed by the Japanese army in the field. At that moment, Zuo Yingjie and Ling Feng, who composed the hunter squad of the Eighth Route Army, were hiding in the nearby mountain. They detected the stir, and then sniped at the Japanese soldiers with excellent cooperation. After killing all the enemies, they saved the only survivor of the convoy and brought him to their base. Back in the base, they discovered that the survivor’s name is Qin Weizhou. Qin was an expert in deciphering coded telegrams who works in the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Council for the Kuomintang government. Moreover, the man had did huge damage to the underground organization of the communist party. However, such a threat to the communist party, was now shouldering the responsibility of deciphering the coded telegrams of the Japanese army. Under the circumstances, the organization decided Zuo Yingjie lead an elite squad to get through the battlefield and to escort Qin Weizhou to the safe place. At the same time, the sniper and a large force of the Japanese army received the message, acting to impede them. A fatal battle is to start…
故事簡介: 動作戰爭電影《絕地狙殺 The Sniper》講述了 1942年秋,一支神秘車隊在野外突遭日軍伏擊。此刻,正潛伏在山嶺之間的八路軍獵人小隊左英杰和凌鳳循槍聲而至,兩人精妙配合,遠距離將日軍逐一狙殺,救下車隊唯一倖存者。回到駐地,得知倖存者名叫秦維洲,乃是軍統頂尖密電碼破譯專家,且此人之前亦對我黨地下組織造成過巨大破壞。昔日的敵人,如今卻肩負著監聽並破譯日軍密電的重要任務。於是在抗日大局和民族大義面前,組織決定由左英傑挑選一支精英小隊,穿越火線,將秦維洲護送至安全地帶。此刻,日軍狙擊手與大部隊也聞聲而動,一場生死狙殺一觸即發……
Studio 出品發行: 華娛傳媒 Hua Yu Media.
Produced by 製片人: 丁卓韜 Ding Zhuotao.
Directed by 導演: 殷博 Yin Bo.
Screenplay by 編劇: 牛興安 Niu Xingan, 丁卓韜 Ding Zhuotao.
Starring 主演: 羅立群 Luo Liqun, 彭高唱 Peng Gaochang, 張煜龍 Zhang Yulong, 任思齊 Ren Siqi, 周朗 Zhou Lang, 趙雲天 Zhao Yuntian, 石歐 Shi Ou, 郭一揚 Guo Yiyang, 邵桐 Shao Tong, 王魯 Wang Lu.
Genres 題材: 動作 #action 戰爭 #war 軍事 #military
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