Song: Skyfall
Artist: Adele
Hello there, welcome back. It’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a video, but I’m back from the dead. I’ve finally gotten around watching the Daryl Dixon Series that takes place in France. I was pleasantly surprised with the show. The cinematography took a huge leap forward. Plus as an European, it’s nice to see my continent represented. I’ve actually been to some of the locations in the show, such as Paris and Mont Saint Michel. Very nice to see those places appear in The Walking Dead.
I recently rewatched Daniel Craig’s James Bond movies and I absolutely loved the opening credits song they used. Also known as Skyfall by Adele. I decided it was a nice song to use for Daryl.
Also the trailer for The Ones Who Live dropped like two days ago. Super hyped for that show! Can’t wait to see Rick Grimes and Michonne return.
Huge Shout-Out to @TrophyProductionsTP, @ChuckJasonProductions and @RedJellyEdits helping me create this video!
#daryldixon #twd #thewalkingdead #normanreedus
It appears we have even crossed the 111K subscriber mark now! Damn. That is incredible. I truly am honoured to have such an amazing community to support my channel and the videos I put out. It’s great to not only receive kind and heartfelt comments, but also to see that you guys are getting along in the comments with each other. Previously this would be more of sale-speech, but honestly, I doubt anything I say here can convince you to hit that subscribe button. If you watched the video you can decide for yourself. All I’ll say is that you clicking once on that button actually helps me out a lot, especially with how terrible YouTube’s algorithms are currently. ( I don’t even want to know what they will be like in the future) Either way, thank you to those who subscribe! Become a Kek (??) and completely destroy that subscribe button!
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