Dr. Bruce Grossan - Technology of NU’s Robotic Astronomical Telescope, the NUTTelA-TAO

Доктор Брюс Гроссан - Назарбаев Университетінің роботты астрономиялық телескоптық технологиялары, NUTTelA-TAO Доктор Брюс Гроссан - Технологии роботизированного Астрономического Телескопа Назарбаев Университета, NUTTelA-TAO 📍EN Do you know that NU has a very special telescope 🔭, the NU Transient Telescope at Assy-Turgen Astrophysical Observatory (NUTTelA-TAO)? This telescope, operating every clear night for more than a year, has been made to respond autonomously to alerts from orbiting space observatories. Dr. Bruce Grossan, Principal Investigator of the NUTTelA-TAO gamma-ray burst experiment at NU’s Energetic Cosmos Laboratory (ECL), will describe the unusual technologies, some developed at NU, that allow the telescope to make an autonomous decision to observe such an alert. One of these technologies is what he calls an “electron electronics trick.” All of this is necessary to understand the science of a 50-year-old mystery: how these explosions make the light we see from them. Isn’t it interesting? Let’
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