Lightning Talk: Adding 32-bit Linux Support to ARIANE/CVA6 Ope... Sébastien Jacq & Jérôme Quévremont
Lightning Talk: Adding 32-bit Linux Support to ARIANE/CVA6 Open-source Application Core - Sébastien Jacq & Jérôme Quévremont, Thales
Together with OpenHW, Thales runs the CVA6 project, to transform ETH Zürich and University of Bologna’s ARIANE famous RISC-V application core into an industrial-grade core available as open-source for the community. From the original 64-bit ARIANE SystemVerilog design, renamed CV64A6 by OpenHW, Thales has created a 32-bit flavor, CV32A6, a resource-optimized version for embedded applications that need to support rich OSes like Linux. CV64A6 and CV32A6 share the same code base “CVA6”. In this talk, members of the CVA6 team will present the journey towards the support of Linux by CV32A6: designing a new 32-bit (Sv32) MMU, debugging the 32-bit pipeline, integrating a bootloader and Linux kernel with Buildroot, running a HW/SW integration and debugging and finally demonstrating a running Linux on a FPGA board. As a takeaway, the audience will be pointed to the open-source repositor