Причины ожирения. Лептин, тестостерон, эстрадиол, гормоны щитовидной железы (Т3, Т4).
0:00 - вступление
0:11 - лептин
8:21 - тестостерон
13:41 - Эстрадиол
16:21 - тиреоидные гормоны
Ссылки на исследования:
1. Leptin applications in 2015: What have we learned about leptin and obesity?
2. Leptin and Obesity: Role and Clinical Implication ()
3. Leptin and Beyond: An Odyssey to the Central Control of Body Weight ()
4. Leptin treatment: Facts and expectations
( (14)00234-0/fulltext )
5. Impaired Leptin Signalling in Obesity: Is Leptin a New Thermolipokine?
6. Leptin signaling
7. Leptin resistance in diet-induced obesity: the role of hypothalamic inflammation
8. Open-label, Randomized Crossover Study Between Telmisartan and Valsartan on Improving Insulin Resistance and Adipocytokines in Nondiabetic Patients with Mild Hypertension
9. Serum Immunoreactive-Leptin Concentrations in Normal-Weight and Obese Humans
10. Leptin, Leptin Soluble Receptor, and the Free Leptin Index following a Diet and Physical Activity Lifestyle Intervention in Obese Males and Females
11. Effect of fasting on serum leptin in normal human subjects
12. Partial Leptin Reduction as an Insulin Sensitization and Weight Loss Strategy
13. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis Disruptions in Older Men Are Differentially Linked to Age and Modifiable Risk Factors: The European Male Aging Study
14. Increase in visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat in men with prostate cancer treated with androgen deprivation therapy #B47
15. Testosterone and Aggressive Behavior in Man
16. Secular trends in testosterone- findings from a large state-mandate care provider
17. Testosterone, mood, behaviour and quality of life
18. Effects of Chronic Social Stress on Obesity
19. Effects of long-term treatment with testosterone on weight and waist size in 411 hypogonadal men with obesity classes I-III: observational data from two registry studies
20. Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men
21. Increased adipose tissue in male and female estrogen receptor-α knockout mice
22. Estrogen receptor protein content is different in abdominal than gluteal subcutaneous adipose tissue of overweight-to-obese premenopausal women
23. Estrogen Controls Lipolysis by Up-Regulating α2A-Adrenergic Receptors Directly in Human Adipose Tissue through the Estrogen Receptor α. Implications for the Female Fat Distribution
24. Fat Distribution and Insulin Sensitivity in Postmenopausal Women: Influence of Hormone Replacement
25. Android Fat Deposition and Its Association With Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Overweight Young Males
26. How reliable are free thyroid and total T3 hormone assays?
27. Latent Hypothyroidism in Adults
28. Effects of Thyroxine as Compared with Thyroxine plus Triiodothyronine in Patients with Hypothyroidism
29. Treatment of severe thyroid function disorders and changes in body composition
30. Effect of Long-Term Calorie Restriction with Adequate Protein and Micronutrients on Thyroid Hormones
31. Effects of a very low calorie diet on weight, thyroid hormones and mood
1 month ago 00:08:32 1
У вас больше не будет гипертонии, если сделаете это 🙌
3 months ago 01:07:26 1
Как хорошо выглядеть в 50+, климакс у мужчин, и страх гормонотерапии. Эндокринолог Зухра Павлова
3 months ago 00:48:13 1
Без ЭТОГО Витамина Ждите Гипотиреоз, Узлы в Щитовидке, Ожирение и еще 37 Болезней! Ольга Лисенкова
3 months ago 00:38:05 1
Невероятно! Техника “2 колонки“ оставит диетологов без работы! Живот ушел мгновенно! Галина Турецкая
3 months ago 00:33:15 1
Паразиты. Глисты. Гельминты. Черви в организме человека. Последствия. Защита. Лечение.
3 months ago 00:03:57 1
🔥 Почему перестали нестись куры🔥 Повышаем 🐔яйценоскость 🥚. Куры не несутся! Выход есть!
3 months ago 00:06:55 1
Чем опасно детское ожирение и почему важно отслеживать вес ребенка
3 months ago 00:05:50 1
Скрытая причина артрита, о которой вы должны знать🙌
3 months ago 00:37:55 1
Все болезни от этого продукта! 😲 Самый вредный продукт в мире!