Dizzy Miss Lizzy */ The Beatles ’ Full Instrumental

Ladies and gentleman, the “Help!“ album is complete! Thank you for your support and encouragement! This has been the most fun album I’ve ever recorded. Amazing songs. Incredibly underrated album. Important life update: I’m starting a very exciting new job next week! Unfortunately this will mean a little break from Beatles covers, unsure how long. Once I’m settled in, I very much intend to start making videos again. I would guess a few weeks, maybe a month or so. Until then, feel free to follow my Instagram account (), where I’ll keep you all posted on my plans for the next covers. I honestly have no clue what I’m doing next, though I have ideas! Only one note on this recording - I decided to use my favorite rhythm pattern for John’s part, which is a technique he used on other songs (“Bad Boy“), but not on “Dizzy Miss Lizzy.“ For “Lizzy,“ he played the same notes, but in open A, not the
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