Star Trek: Inside the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A/Refit (Deck A-J)

So I have decided to revisit the iconic TOS Enterprise 1701 A / Refit from Star Trek, but this time designing each deck one by one. Deck A-J, a fully realized 3D model. Part 1 of 2. This is part one of the Enterprise NCC-1701 A or refit which will mainly cover the primary hull, deck A through. The refit was the most extensive the Enterprise NCC-1701 underwent during her lifetime and involved an almost complete rebuild of the ship. This level of refit had always been part of the mission plan for Constitution-class ships and the Enterprise was just one of several in the class that underwent the procedure, which greatly extended their potential operational life. The warp engine was upgraded to serve for another 15 years, but other Constitution-refit Constitution-class ships class ships remained in service until the 2290s. While the structural frame of the ship was on their predecessors but retained, the hull plating was completely renewed. 3D Model of Enterprise-A and textures by
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