’To Love Eternal Failure’ is a one-track album from Canadian doom/noise/sludge metal duo Simone released in 2022.
01 To Love Eternal Failure 0:00
simonebandcanada (at)
“What good is a love
that does not even
carry us beyond all love?
She broke the standstill forever,
gave a will unending
to love eternal failure.
What more can be said?
My words are not even a fragile residue.
Abortive stars drip from my dolorous mouth
like frail jewels doused in soot,
and the meaning defies my crooked sunbeams,
wielding a titanic and fractalizing immanence.
So I bear the misery of every invocation
with neither mirror nor window,
and drink the most potent hemlock:
the Stygian runoff
from the climax of a love
in all eternity ’immoral’,
and inheri