Why we need to stop food waste? | Anton Gubnitsyn | TEDxPokrovkaStStudio
Food sharing is a way to solve several global problems at once. We need to stop throwing food away. We need to make food mobile. Needy people should get food as easily and quickly as we order a taxi using a mobile app. Anton Gubnitsyn is the CEO of TIARCENTER. TIARCENTER is an independent think tank and advisory firm, which assists corporations and government bodies to implement the principles of sustainable development effectively in their running of businesses and regions.
Heads the work carried out by the Sharing Economy cluster at the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC).
Ph.D. in Sociology.
Prior to setting up TIARCENTER, was Vice President of an international consultancy firm, and before that Vice-Rector of one of the largest federal universities, and aide to a senator in the upper house of the Russian Federal Assembly. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at