[Animation Asset] Grruzam Powerful Sword Pack(Great Sword, Katana)
Note: Unreal Engine and Unity Engine are not compatible.
Check the market carefully before purchasing. Thank you:)
[Unity AssetStore]
1. Fighter Pack (Available with Katana pack)
2. Powerful Sword Pack(Great Sword Katana)
3. Burst Great Sword Action Asset
[UE4 MarketPlace]
1. Two types Powerful Sword Pack
Fighter Pack
Unreal Engine Marketplace Launch!
Let me ask of your attention.
[v1.5] The animation contains.(Katana GreatSword)
[Total : 754 ]
Intro : 2
Movement Inplace : 144
Movement RootMotion : 115
Turn in place RootMotion : 66
Turn in place Inplace : 66
Crouch RootMotion : 41
Crouch Inplace : 41
Skills : 26
Attack : 44
Attack Inplace : 34
Jump Attack : 10
Jump Block(Guard)_Root Inplace : 2
Count Attack(Revenge_Guard) : 12
Damage : 45
KnockDown : 36
Dodge : 10
ZeroHeight : 40
Injured : 7
Injured RootMotion : 7
Attach Motion(In the Air_Combo) : 6