EP - 2018 Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia Show
This is the full length version of this episode. This allows you to watch the whole thing in one sitting without having to look for the other parts. Grab your popcorn, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show at your own convenience!
Don’t forget to take breaks, it is 2 hours long!
Here’s some bookmarks for your convenience:
00:00:27 - Astrophytum
00:02:20 - Copiapoa
00:04:21 - Echinopsis / Lobivia including hybrids
00:05:56 - Trichocereus and other cereoids
00:08:12 - Echinocereus
00:10:25 - Ferocactus
00:11:43 - Echinocactus / Leuchtenbergia
00:13:00 - Gymnocalycium
00:15:46 - Mammillaria
00:25:12 - Melocactus
00:26:41 - Eriosyce group
00:28:15 - Parodia/Notocactus group
00:30:57 - Rebutia group
00:33:10 - Ariocarpus / Strombocactus group
00:35:06 - Grafted cactus
00:36:18 - Monstrose / Crested
00:39:25 - Variegated cactus
00:40:18 - Other cactus
00:42:43 - Agave
00:46:31 - Aloe
00:50:20 - Asclepiad - non caudex forming
00:51:27 - Pachycaul
00:52:40 - Caudex (other than pachycaul and euphorbia)
00:56:43 - Adromischus
01:00:14 - Crassula
01:05:05 - Echeveria
01:12:56 - Sedum / Sempervivum
01:16:49 - Aeonium
01:19:51 - Euphorbia
01:28:25 - Haworthia
01:34:28 - Gasteria
01:40:30 - Lithops, Conophytum, Argyroderma, Pleiospilos, Dinteranthus
01:42:14 - Mesembryanthemum
01:43:19 - Variegated
01:46:56 - Monstrose / Crested
01:48:55 - Australian succulents
01:49:44 - Other succulents
01:53:20 - Dish gardens
01:56:10 - Unusual containers
01:57:49 - 3 of a kind
01:58:29 - Hanging basket
Alternatively, make sure to check out my CSSA Show 2018 playlist to see the small video chunks if that’s more your thing.
I might have mixed up the names of some exhibitors, giving the wrong credit. Please let me know if I got it wrong so I can indicate it in the pinned comment and here in the description.
Title and ending music:
“Open Those Bright Eyes“
Kevin MacLeod ()
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
I am on Patreon!
Please check out my other accounts:
Awesome music thanks to EpidemicSound
I tend to post a lot of non-video stuff on Facebook.
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