Graham Hancock and the evidence for his ’Ancient Apocalypse’ (Episode one)

SOURCES: 2018 Hancock speech: “GRAHAM HANCOCK & ’The Mystery of Gunung Padang’ Tralier 2018 - Magicians of the Gods“ 2016 interview with Hancock: “20,000 Year Old Pyramid Discovered In Indonesia“ Joe Rogan interview: 1914 report (Oudheidkundig verslag) by Johannes Krom on Gunung Padang (pub by Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen.) List of institutes studying Gunung Padang: From ‘PUNDEN BERUNDAK GUNUNG PADANG’ – Budaya et al History of the excavations comes from “Gunung Padang y el megalitismo indo-malayo: Arqueología y pseudoarqueología“ - Perez Garcia, 2017 Uni...versity of Indonesia encouraging World Heritage listing for Gunung Padang: Archaeologists criticising amateur desecration of Gunung Padang: “Gunung Padang in indeed a man-made pyramid of great antiquity as Dr Natawidjaja had long ago proposed.” Hancock interview with Danny Natawidjaja: - “From Indonesia To Turkey New Archaeological Discoveries Uncover The Mysteries Of A Lost Civilisation” Hancock has long berated archaeologists for not going along with his belief that Gunung Padang is a manmade pyramid: “neither the archaeologists, nor apparently the locals realized the pyramid was a pyramid,” wrote hancock back in 2014. Artefacts supposedly found at the site: Paper explaining problems with carbon-dating soils: “Radiocarbon Dating of Soil Organic Matter” – Wang et al. (Quaternary research 1996) Dr. Arthur Saxe’s 1978 investigation of Nan Madol detailed here: Goodenough study of Nan Madol: The paper detailing drilling and cutting open of the columns, finding coral rather than manmade stone, is here: “Underwater Survey at the Ruins of Nan Madol, Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia” -- Ishimura et al, citing “Nan Madol Archaeological Fieldwork. Final Report.“ Ayres 1993 Temperature data and time periods for Younger Dryas: “Younger Dryas sea level and meltwater pulse1B recorded in Barbados reef crestcoral Acroporapalmata” – Abdul et al The rate of sea level rise during the Younger Dryas: “Sea Level Rise, After the Ice Melted and Today” By Vivien Gornitz — January 2007 More on Younger Dryas sea level rise: #:~:text=The rate of sea level,may have been much less. Hancock says not his job to be “balanced” or “objective”: DONATIONS: To support this channel, please don’t send me money. I prefer people donate to a charity I support (shown at the end of this video, and donations page at the bottom of this text.) It’s called Health in Harmony. See my video for details. The charity funds hospitals and affordable health care to villages on the edges of national parks, in return for a pledge not to cut down trees. The pledges are monitored, and the result has been a dramatic decrease in deforestation rates and an increase in the health of the local population. Patients -- mostly from farming families -- can pay for their subsidised treatment with tree saplings or manure. So for them, treatment is essentially free. The manure goes to organic farms that HiH is encouraging, as it teaches local farmers how to farm organically rather than slash-and-burn the forest. As for the tree saplings, HiH volunteers plant these in areas of forest that have been illegally cut. This restores the forest, and HiH receives money for this from people and companies who pay for carbon credits. That money goes towards paying doctors, nurses, dentists, and and keeps the clinics running. See also for an explanation of their work. And please donate here:
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