Deliverance (9/9) Movie CLIP - Don’t Come Back Here (1972) HD

Deliverance movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don’t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: CLIP DESCRIPTION: Sheriff Bullard (James Dickey) questions Ed (Jon Voight) and Bobby (Ned Beatty) one last time, then advises them never to return to the town. FILM DESCRIPTION: Like such other early ’70s Hollywood films as Sam Peckinpah’s Straw Dogs (1971), Deliverance ponders violent instincts and definitions of manhood, ideas made all the more pressing by the period’s escalating violence and assault on traditional gender roles. Regardless of these headier concerns, the critically praised realism of the action ...scenes on the river, with the actors performing a lot of the stunts, helped make the film a hit. Shooting on location on the Chattoga River in Georgia, cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond captured the appeal and the peril of the river’s pristine isolation, enhancing both the adventure’s visceral thrills and Dickey’
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