British Games (1949)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. White City Stadium, London. GV White City stadium. MV Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh wearing sunglasses, and two officials. CU Duke of Edinburgh. SV Angle shot starter. MV Pan start of mile race. MV Towards mile race. No 6 leading. SV Crowd following race. MV Pan Frenchman Michael Hansenne gains commanding lead over Fred Wilt and runs looking over shoulder. CU Man with pipe watching. LV Towards finish of mile race. Hansenne wins. CU Starter. MV Pan 120-yard hurdle race. First hurdle, Harrison Dillard in clear lead. Follow pan Harrison Dillard on his own to end of race. CU Dillard of America. LV Start of 440 yards. SV Crowd watching. MV Pan 440 yards. Dave Bolen passes No 7 Follow pan of Bolen. Arthur Wint enters frame and passes Bolen. SV Small girl in crowd pointing. LV Towards finish of 440 yards. Wint wins, Bolen second. CU Duke of Edinburgh. MV Duke of Edinburgh shaking hands with Wint and Bolen. CU Wint. Possibly c
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