Muffin Top Challenge - Week 6

Welcome to week 6 of our Lose Your Muffin Top Challenge. This is our sixth of twelve weeks. We have two workouts this week that we are going to alternate for 6 days, with 1 rest day in the week. You can take your rest day when you need it, as long as you alternate your workouts in a 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 format. Within each workout you are going to do each exercise for 1 minute. When you have completed all 4 exercises you are going to repeat another 5 times, making 20 minutes in total. This is one days workout. We are trying not to rest in the 20 minutes, but if you need to, of course do. Technique is everything so make sure you focus on your form. Remember to warm up first, focus on your technique, rest when necessary and stop if anything hurts. Here we go :D Workout 1: High knees Side plank hip dips Down ups Russian twists Workout 2: Stepping lunges Burpees Jumping sumo squats Scissor kicks Let me know how you get on :D ****
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