Im 15 and im in Freshman Year in High School, Im a gamer🎮🎮🎮, I like streaming, I Speak English, I like playing gta 5, I like playing Modern Warfare 2, I like zombie games, I like Playing Roblox, I like FNF, I like The Walking Dead The Game. My twitch is xxxjacobmcelveenxxx. My Nintendo is SW-7816-1364-9401, My Xbox is JXjacobX21, My Snapchat is jacobm_lol, My Instagram is Jacobmcelveen4966 My Roblox is jacobmcelveen11, Join the Discord to become part of the XSHOT Crew: , My Discord User is: JacobM#0899/jacobm999, Alr Peace {XSHOT GANG} ✌️