What Makes RELEASING More Effective Than Meditation

What makes releasing more effective than meditation? People can devote their whole life to the practice of meditation, looking to reach a state of enlightenment. How long does it take to become enlightened, and how much meditating must be done to get there. In 1952, a man by the name of Lester Levenson achieved the enlightened state, not through meditation, but by using a far more effective method to quiet the mind and dissolve the ego... RELEASING In this video, I go into detail over what makes releasing more powerful than meditation, and enlightenment can be achieved in a few months. ————————————————————————————————————————— For more information on the Conscious Creation Master Course, go here: ————————————————————————————————————————— Master all the fundamentals of Lester Levenson’s releasing method: ————————————————————————————————————————— With Love, Kris Dillard Power of Quiet
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