How to make a simple pinch pot bowl with a cute Octopus on the side

Something I’ve wanted to make for a while! Here’s my simple octopus pinch pot bowl, a beginner’s make that can be made more advanced by adding details and really working on the form. In this video I take you through how to make a pinch pot bowl, add texture to the surface then make and attach a clay octopus. I use Potterycrafts raku modelling clay and will fire this to 1205C in my electric kiln. I plan to use a manganese dioxide wash on the bowl and tentacle suckers then Spectrum Autumn Purple glaze on the octopus body with Saffron glaze eyes. If you like the sea theme you can check out my crab and coral bowls in my other videos too! I post photos of finished pieces on my Paula Armstrong Ceramics social media pages on Facebook and Instagram.
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