DIY Motorized WiFi Roller Blind - ESP8266 & Blynk

Cheap & Quick PCB, 3D Printing, CNC machining and fabrication services from PCBWay Source code, Circuit diagram, PCB Gerber file, 3D files: For all instructions: In this project we will see how to control a roller blind via a smartphone application. The reason why I realized the project was to use a roller blind to change the background in the video footage and to be able to easily control the roller blind via my smartphone. In this project, a breadboard circuit is shown for basic readers and a printed circuit board circuit for users who want a more useful prototype. Check out the video to see how it works... As can be seen in the video showing the step-by-step construction of the project, I can easily open and close the roller blind on my wall using my smartphone. Of course, you can use this project to wirelessly control the roller blinds on your windows. A WiFi microcontroller was used to provide wireless communication, a stepper motor to provide move, and an application called Blynk was used. First of all, we need some 3D parts to be used like providing roller blind movement. We talked about 3D parts in the next step. In this section, we listed what we should use as hardware for electronic components and mechanisms: Wemos D1 Mini WiFi board was used to provide motor movements wirelessly and programming: Hobby stepper motor 28BJY-48 and driver ULN2003 was used to movement the roller blind up and down: A 608zz bearing was used to ensure the smooth movement of the gear required for the roller blind: A mini breadboard was used to build the circuit: Several jumper wires were used to provide the pin connections: A 9V adapter was used to power the circuit: L7805 voltage regulator was used as 5V is required for the microcontroller: A few capacitors are needed for the voltage regulator: Finally a few screws are needed for assembly: A few extra components are needed for the printed circuit board prototype, mentioned these components in the PCB step.
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