Тушенка из индейки в автоклаве \\ В деревню!

Тушенка из индейки от А до Я. Обвалка, раскладка, закатка, автоклавирование. Таблица зависимости температуры закипания воды в зависимости от давления (из инструкции к автоклаву): Кому лень искать “купить белорусский автоклав“ - я брал здесь: а вы как хотите. In this video, I tell you how to make canned turkey meat. My wife and I grow a turkey on our farm and make delicacies and canned food out of it. Cut turkey meat into pieces and place in glass jars. Add salt, black pepper and bay leaf. Fill with meat broth. Close tin lids using a manual typewriter. After that, put the jars in the autoclave. Heat the autoclave to 120 ° C and hold at this temperature for 60 minutes. After that, slowly cool at room temperature. Remove the banks from the autoclave and put on them the date of manufacture. Such homemade canned foods help us out when there is no time to cook. They can be stored from 2 to 5 years (it depends on storage conditions). I hope, clearly
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