Benjamin Tod of Lost Dog Street Band, “Hungry For You Blues,“ // GemsOnVHS™

Sometimes Ben will wander into town and to my front door with nothing but a bunch of drink and a head full of songs. Don’t ask where he came from or what he’s doing, just hit the record button and let him say what needs to be said. You can find Lost Dog street band on bandcamp, facebook and all that. For booking, email: jesse@ Big thanks to VJ Arizpe and Richard Harmon for making this episode possible. Consider becoming a Patreon contributor to help sustain this project. For the price of a cup of coffee, we can continue finding and filming amazing artists. GemsOnVHS is a long running ...series of intimate, off-stage performances by songwriters we love. If you’d like to be featured or know someone that should be, or have a venue you’d like an artist to play, or just about anything, drop us an email. gemsonvhs@ We’re on instagram, @gemsonvhs, or my personal @anthonysimpkins Like us on FB too! () shot/edited by Anthony Simpkins gemsonvhs@ If you’d like to get in touch with us the old-fashioned way, you can reach us at... GemsOnVHS 100 Taylor Street Ste. C8 Nashville, TN 37208
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