Cyclone (1985 / 128k AY Music Version) Walkthrough, ZX Spectrum
Updated 128k AY music version made by SEV. It is a Beta Disk version and SCL and TRD files can be downloaded here:
The five crates is placed at random locations, and when they are all collected and you return to your base, you have to find another five crates etc. etc.
Keyboard Control:
1 Up
Q Down
O Left
P Right
X Forward
M Map
N View Change
AG Abort Game
Joystick Control:
Press Fire to move.
Pull back to climb.
Push forward to dive.
Other functions use keyboard.
The area is being evacuated.
Your mission, to fly your helicopter into the danger zone to recover essential
medical supplies.
As you scour from island to island, avoid the heavy air traffic.
Seek and collect all five crates.
But beware...
The advancing Cyclone.
Use alternate views when searching for the crates.
Hover directly over a crate to winch it aboard.
Refuel at the nearest landing pad as required.
Land gently to avoid destruction.
Use the map regularly to monito
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